This is, at present, just a list of titles. I will be adding the images when time permits. The information is courtesy of Mike Lewis.
Boris 2:
Cover Mysterious Rider
1 Corrissa the Vestal Virgin
2 Untitled print from Midnight
Angels (Certification Plate)
Title Boy who saved the Stars
4 (B/W) Behind the walls of Terra
5 The Gates of Creation
6 Untitled Sketch
7 Cat in the Mirror
8 Untitled Sketch
9 Gracus the Centurion
10 Assorted Untitled Sketches
11 The Flying Sorcerer (Flying Boat Image,
which is the Back cover of
the Novel)
12 Untitled Sketch
13 Godsfire Sketch
14 Clint (concept painting for "The Gauntlet")
15 The Loch Ness Monster Lives (Boris-ography
as "Loch Ness Monster")
16 Pair of Untitled Amber Sketches.
Drawings produced for a movie
17 A Place Beyond Man
18 Untitled Sketch (Boris and Doris Cartoon,
produced for New
Yorker Magazine, but not submitted)
19 The Siege of Faltara
20 (B/W) The Girls who owned a City
21 My Lord Barbarian
22 3 sketches, (2 Untitled) + Portrait
of Doris
23 The Lavalite World
24 The Demon in the Mirror Sketch
25 Conan the Wanderer (Genie)
26 (photos)
27 Barba the Slaver (Boris-ography as
"Brotan the Slaver") I prefer the
Boris 2 name since it matches the book title.
28 The Space Guardian Sketch
29 The Last Stand (poster for Portal
Publications Ltd.)
30 The Amazon's Pet Sketch
31 A Season for Brighton (Boris-ography
as "The Waltz")
32 The Dragon Sketch
33 In the Moons of Borea Sketch
34 (B/W) The Mountain Monster (Boris-ography
as "The Mountain Beast")
35 Cyborg
36 (B/W) Earth Magic
37 Berserker
38 (B/W) The Spotted Man (Doc Savage
39 (Detail view) The Red Terrors
40 (B/W) The Roar Devils (Doc Savage
41 Conan of the Isles (Boris-ography
as "Phantom Of The Sea")
42 (B/W) Bar Girl (Previously unpublished
sample Boris took to
paperback companies, 1967)
43 Z For Zachariah
44 (B/W) Untitled Sketch
45 The Art of Boris Vallejo Sketch (Proposed
but unused cover for The
Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo)
46 (B/W) Apache Wells
47 Conan the Freebooter (Boris-ography
as Freebooter)
48 John F Kennedy (Drawn in Peru, used
as Samples Art)
49 (B/W Detail from Clint)
50 4 sketches, including one cartoon
featuring his pet Pomeranians
51 (Photo)
52-53 (Preliminary Sketches from The Boy who saved the
Stars, have not
gotten them to scan yet)
54 (B/W) The Ophiuch Hotline
55 (B/W Detail from The Ophiuch Hotline)
56 The Last Stand Sketch
57 (photos)
58 (B/W Comic page with military theme)
59 Untitled Sketch (Boris and Doris Cartoon)
60 (photo)
61 (B/W) Ride the Golden Tiger
62 (B/W) Untitled, Savage Sword of Conan
63 Untitled Sketch
64 (B/W) Untitled, Savage Sword of Conan
65 The Monster Men Sketch
66 (B/W) Monsters Unleashed (June, dont
have the number handy)
67 (photo at age 2)
68 (B/W) The Barbarian and the Sorcerers
(Savage Sword of Conan #9)
69 Untitled Sketch
70 (B/W) Untitled, Tales of the Zombie
71 (Photo)
72 (B/W) Untitled, Monsters Unleashed
(Sept, dont have the number
73 The Mystery Shift, and another sketch
from The Boy who Saved the
74 (B/W) Untitled, Tales of the Zombie
(December, dont have the number
75 (photo)
76 (B/W) Untitled, Savage Sword of Conan
77 (B/W) Untitled, Savage Sword of Conan
78 (B/W) A Private Cosmos
79 (B/W) Untitled, Savage Tales of Ka-Zar
80 (photo)
back Winter Goddess
Last Updated: 24th October, 1999