The Calendars (Index)

Some of the calendar contents I have reconstructed from information on the backs of cards and elsewhere.  Where month names are not given, I have no idea which image was featured for which month.  If you can supply this information, or supply information for calendars I don't know about, please email me at this address.

1978: Tarzan
1979: Heroic Fantasy
1980: Fantasy
1981: Fantasy
1982: Fantasy
1983: Fantasy
1984 Fantasy
1985 Fantasy
1986: Fantasy
1987: Fantasy Olympics
1988: Zodiac
1989: Mythology
1990: Mythology
1991: Mythology
1992: Mythology
1993: Mythology
1994: Mythology
1995: Fantasy
1996: Fantasy
1997: Classic
1998: Fantasy
1999: Fantasy
2000: Fantasy

To the Borisography index

Last Updated: 24th October, 1999