Joe Juskos' ERB Collection

These images are taken from the backs of the Joe Jusko's Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection published by FPG (Friedlander Publishing Group).

The fronts of the cards are all painted by Joe Jusko and illustrate the various Burroughs stories.  The backs identify the story from which the scene is taken, have a brief comment by Joe Jusko, and devote half of the back to an image by another artist which has also been used to illustrate Bourroughs stories, usually a book cover.

The images are identified by the card number on the back of which they appear, and the story they were used to illustrate.  The order is essentially arbitrary - this is the order in which they came out of my card collection, which I have ordered in the sequence of book publication and appearance in the story of the images on the front, so the images on the back and card sequence is thoroughly scrambled!

Tarzan, Lord Of The Jungle
Card 9

Tarzan And The Golden Lion
Card 31

Tarzan The Magnificent
Card 1

Tarzan's Quest
Card 17

Tarzan And The Castaways
Card 56

Tarzan The Terrible
Card 24

Tarzan And The Lost Empire
Card 58

Tarzan And The Forbidden City
Card 15

To the Borisography index

Last Updated: 9th February, 1999