Mad Cuts the Baloney | Magazine Cover | Painted ?. | |
Magic Crystal | B1.44 | Painted 1988. | |
The Magic Ring | B2.82
BOB.14 CD1 1986 calendar |
Cover art for Warrior Witch fo Hel by Asa Drake.
Painted 1985 |
The Magnificent | B1.02
B2.P6 BOB.autograph Beasts CD1 FAT 75 FPG.32 Portfolio 2 |
This was the cover painting for the book Conan the Magnificient
by Robert Jordan. This is the only time I have ever bought
a book for its cover. I found the story to be well worth reading,
though, as it is told in a humorous fashion, with little gore.
Painted 1983. |
Mahr | B4.87
Beasts 1993 Calendar |
Eastern European Mythology: The Mahr were vampire moths that
lived in the Carpathian Mountains. When they fed on humans, it was
believed, they stole the soul. A wooden stake through the heart or
exposure to daylight would kill the Mahr and return the soul to its owner.
Painted 1991. |
The Maker of Universes | B2.80
CD1 FABV WOB.26 Sep 1980 August 1997 |
This was the cover painting for the Philip José Farmer book
of the same title (Ace, 1982) one of the World of Tiers series.
Also used for the Czech version of Nomads of Gor.
Painted 1977, oil, 17 x 27 inches. |
Manco Capac and Mama Ocuo | B3.68
1989 Calendar |
Based on Peruvian legend. Manco Capac and Mama Ocuo, son
and daughter of the Sun, emerged from Lake Titicaca. They journeyed to
the Valley of Cuzco, which at that time was inhabited by barbarians. These
savages, however, recognized the two deities as Gods and accepted the laws,
the concepts of justice, and the skills they taught them. Thus the great
empire of the Incas was founded.
The male figure was modelled by Boris, and the female figure was modelled by his sister Patricia. The painting is undated. |
Manticore | B4.20
1993 Calendar |
Indian legend (but which Indians is not stated): A monster with the
body of a lion and the face of a man, and with razor-sharp teeth and jaws
powerful enough to crush bone, he was hunted by a fearless tribe of Indian
women, the Maruts, who would eat his flesh and make poisoned darts from
his fangs.
Painted 1992. |
Martial Combat | BJ.31 | This is the cover for More than Fire (Tor, 1993) by Philip José
Farmer, which is the latest book in the World of Tiers series.
Painted 1991. |
The Master and the Maiden | FABV | Cover for Ballantine Books: Master and the Maiden by Alice Chetwynd
Painted 1977, oil, 16 x 26 inches. |
Maya | B2.37
CD1 FPG.14 1988 Calendar |
Boris' daughter, Maya, posed for this painting, which is one of the
Zodiac series painted for the 1988 calendar (see also Cancer).
Painted 1987. |
Mayan Serpent | B1.67
BOB.54 CD1 Portfolio 24 WOB.3 |
This was commissioned by the Berkeley Publishing Group: Clash of
the Star Kings by Avram Davidson. The painting appears never
to have had the finishing touches put to it - the top of the temple's roof
shows through the leg of the figure, or perhaps the other way around (see
the detail image).
Painted 1983. |
Medea | B2.49
BOB.56 |
Greek Mythology: Medea was the wife of Jason, the famous Greek hero
who retrieved the Golden Fleece. When he was about to wed another
woman for political reasons, she killed his wife-to-be, and then slew her
sons by Jason. She was, it seems, a woman scorned. I think
this was painted for a calendar.
Painted 1990. |
Medea | B3.11
Ladies |
Greek Mythology: This one was painted for Ladies.
Painted 1990. |
Medea's Chariot | BJ.09 | Greek Mythology: After the murder of her rival and her children, Medea
pleaded with her grandfather, Helios the Sun god, to send his chariot for
her. Helios despatched a chariot drawn by golden dragons.
This was a sketch for Ladies, but the concept changed (this part of the tale is not told in the book) and another painting took its place. Sketched, probably, in 1989 or 1990. |
Medusa | CD1
Enchantment |
Greek Mythology: Medusa was one of the three Gorgons. She was
slain by Perseus, but her severed head retained its ability to turn those
who looked upon her face to stone. The tale told in Enchantment
is not the Greek myth, though.
Painted 1984. |
Medusa II | B3.58
BOB.25 Ladies |
Greek Mythology: In this image, we see Perseus about to capture Medusa's
head. Boris does not portray her shock of snakes which served her
as hair. See the foot of the page for a poetic lament.
Painted 1990. |
Mercenary | B1.30
B2.P3 CD1 FAT 98 |
Book cover for Pocket Books: The Mercenary by Jerry Pournelle.
Painted 1979. |
Mercenary | B4.60 | Described on the back of the card as a cover for Pocket Books in 1979,
although the painting itself is dated the following year. The card
also claims that the picture was used in Fantasy Art Techniques,
which is incorrect; the painting above was so used.
Painted 1980. |
Metal Angel | BOB.70 | This is the cover of Metal Angel (Roc, 1994) by Nancy Springer.
Painted ?. |
The Micronauts | FAT 24 | Used as the cover for The Micronauts (Bantam, 1977) by Gordon
Painting undated. |
Mimir | B4.74
BOB.32 1993 Calendar |
Norse Mythology: A giant of superhuman strength, he stood knee-deep
in the Waters of Ultimate Wisdom, holding the Kjolen Mountains on his shoulders
and watching over the oracles who drank the water to learn the secrets
of the world.
Painted 1991. |
Minerva | CD1 | Roman Mythology: The Goddess of Wisdom. This was the centrepiece
of the 1990 calendar.
Painted 1989. |
The Minotaur | B3.26
CD1 1992 calendar |
Greek Mythology: Because of his failure to sacrifice a promised bull,
King Minos angered Poseidon, God of the Sea, who sent a bull to him and
caused his wife, Pasiphae, to fall in love with the bull. From her
unnatural union with this bull was born the Minotaur, with the body of
a man and the head of a bull. The Minotaur was kept in a labyrinth
and was, ultimately, killed by Theseus.
Painted 1991. |
Mistress of the Cats | B2.30
BOB.59 CD1 |
Painted 1987. | |
Molly Hatchet | B4.67
CD1 FAT 25 |
Record cover for Take no Prisoners (CBS, 1981) by the group
Molly Hatchet.
Painted 1981. |
The Moon and the Sun | B4.01
CD1 1988 Calendar |
Centrepiece for the 1988 Zodiac calendar.
Painted 1987. |
More than Fire | B4.75 | Book cover for A Fire Upon the Deep (Tor, 1992) by Vernor Vinge.
Painted 1991. |
Mormak | BJ.34
February 1996 |
Painted 1995. | |
Mortal Gods | June 1980 | Cover for Mortal Gods (Signet, 1978) by Jonathan Fast.
Painted ? |
Moses | BOB.30 | Christian Biblical story: Moses led the Israelites from their slavery
in Egypt to the promised land of Canaan. Along the way he had delivered
to him the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
Painted ?. |
Mother and Daughter | B1.48
CD1 Portfolio 16 |
Cover art for Death Riders of Hel by Asa Drake.
Painted 1986. |
Mother's Child | B4.61
Portfolio (cover) |
Painted 1992. | |
The Mountain Beast | CD1
FAT 36 WOB.2 |
A book cover for The Mountain Monster, a Doc Savage book, published
by Bantam Books.
Painting undated. |
Mr. O. | BJ.05 | This was a promotional piece using Mr Olympia as a model.
Painted ?. |
Mutants | BJ.41 | Painted 1992. | |
My Lord Barbarian | . | Cover of the book My Lord Barbarian by Andrew J Offutt, published 1977 by Del Rey Books. | |
Mysterious Rider | 1980 calendar | Was the cover design for Future Magazine, 1978. | |
Myths of Raltarnee | BJ.U1
July 1996 |
Painted 1995. |
Last updated: 4th July, 1999
I have forgotten who wrote this, and the title it was given, but I do remember at least most of the verses. I'm not totally certain I have it right, but here goes what I remember:
Medusa, Medusa, in days that were olden
Did you touch up your snakes, turning silver to golden?
Though snakes through the ages have never turned grey
They're known to get hungry, they seek after prey.
Snakes do tend to wander, they slither when wet
Did you envy your victims their permanent set?