Worlds Of Boris
Fantasy Role-Playing Game

This is a role-playing game devised by Boris, with a game board consisting of 30 worlds, the idea being to conquer a majority of the worlds.  Each world tile features a painting by Boris, reproduced in full colour, and the cards use the same paintings, or portions of them, reproduced in monochrome.

Rather than use the same images I have used elsewhere, I have scanned these from the game board tiles, mostly so that they would all be the same size.  What you see is the images as they appear in the game, although a tad smaller: the board tiles are 3.5 x 4 inches in size (the game hails from the USA; you expected Metric?).  Note to Americans: I don't mean this to be offensive, it's just that I get accused of being archaic whenever I specify things in Imperial, even when it's the correct, even logical, unit to use, and I seem to be getting defensive about it ...

The game was published in 1984 by Mayfair Games.
ISBN 0-425-06631-2.

World 1
The Lavalite World

World 2
Mountain Beast

World 3
Mayan Serpent

World 4
Through The Reality Warp

World 5

World 6
Conan the Aquilonian

World 7
Nubian Warrior

World 8

World 9

World 10

World 11
A Private Cosmos

World 12
Scarlet Menace

World 13
Of Men And Monsters

World 14

World 15
Golden Wings

World 16
The Witch And Her Familiar

World 17
White Eagle

World 18
Red Amazon

World 19
Star of Doom

World 20 
Eternal Champion

World 21
The Broken Sword

World 22
Stone Idol

World 23
The High Couch Of Silistra

World 24

World 25
The Last Stand

World 26
Maker Of Universes

World 27
Lord Of The Wolves

World 28
Earth Magic

World 29
At The Edge Of The World

World 30
Queen's Sceptre

To the Borisography index

Last Updated: 10th February.1999