The Borisography
Books Featuring the Artwork of, or by, Boris Vallejo :
FABV: The Fantastic Art Of Boris Vallejo
was the first book of his art.
Boris Book 1 was published in 1978.
Boris, Book 2 was published in 1978.
The Boy Who Saved The Stars - a children's
book written by Doris Vallejo and illustrated by Boris Vallejo.
FAT: Fantasy Art Techniques - a book in which
Boris explains how he goes about painting.
M: Mirage - a collection of paintings by
Boris, with text by Doris.
P: Boris Portfolio - introductory comment
and 28 paintings by Boris.
E: Enchantment - a collection of stories
by Doris Vallejo illustrated with paintings by Boris.
L: Ladies - a retelling of Greek myths
by Doris Vallejo, from the point of view of the heroine, and illustrate
with paintings and drawings by Boris.
Boris Vallejo, Paper Tiger Miniature book.
This was a series of books featuring one artist per book, the books measuring
about 3x4 inches, stitch-bound with hard covers, and published in 1993
- ISBN 1-85028-273-0.
Boris Vallejo 3D Magic - a collection of images based on paintings
by Boris. Published in 1995 by Paper Tiger, ISBN 1 85028 365 6.
I am not including any of these images as they are 3D images using a variety
of techniques, and would not work in thumbnail size.
A new book by FPG was due in December, 1997, then delayed until late 1998,
subsequently cancelled. This was to include some 200 works; I live
in hope that this project will be resurrected one day. Current publication
date seems to be January 2000, and orders can be placed on as
I write this in October, 1999. See also the reader reviews attached
to their listing!
Bodies By Boris is a book of photographs, many used as reference
material for paintings by Boris or by Julie Bell. Since my interest is
in his artwork, I don't have a copy and I do not cover this book here.
Hindsight, a collection of Boris' photographic work featuring the
female derriere.
Dreams, a book of art published in October
Books and Comics Featuring Cover Art by Boris Vallejo:
Last updated: 20th May, 2000