The Borisography
Trading Card Sets
Card sets published by Comic Images :
Card sets by other publishers:
ERB: Joe Jusko's Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection
published by FPG; features other artists' work for Burroughs book covers,
including several by Boris.
Marvel Masterpieces 1996 is about half Boris, half
Julie Bell.
FPG: Boris Sticker set, published by FPG.
Hyborian Gates Customisable Card Game - which will not be covered here,
largely because it runs to 450 cards and features mostly fragments of images
which are found elsewhere (on the other hand, the printing quality is superb)
- I offer one sample. I have
finally learned which images is on the Ancient Gate card: Elijah.
Some miscellaneous card sets feature work
by Boris, mostly comic art insert cards.
Last updated: 7th November, 1998